Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

In This Post...

2013 – The Year I Worked

At the end of every year (or at the dawn of a new one) I look back at where I have been, what I have done, and where I will be going next.  This usually includes some great trips and fun stories however this past year was the first in my blogging history that I focused less on travel and more on this website. So much so that I totally revamped what I am doing and switched gears to a site based more on travel and less on me. I also wrote. A lot. I still have plenty of work to do but lets focus on what I have done first:

  • Moved to a brand new website
  • Wrote 2 eBooks on travel
  • Wrote plenty of articles for other sites

I also started a bag company with Erin called Körút. This was a lot of work and still on going. We ran a Kickstarter campaign as a way to gauge interest and although we did not receive our full funding we did raise close to $15K in a month which was enough to rethink and move forward.

Beyond working on backpacks, books, my site, and for others I started adding articles on travel tips. So far I have added articles on how I book 4* hotels on the cheap to tackling the resale ticket market. Plenty more to come.

Travel tips O'plenty
Travel tips O’plenty

Then there was the addition of Worldly Eats where I took my love of international cuisine up a notch. Food has always been a big part of my travels so why not give it a place of its own? When I backpacked Europe in 2006 I was adding posts called “Fat Shaun” which consisted of me shoving local delicacies into my pie hole. Basically I was a foodie before foodies were foodies. You dig? It took awhile but with Worldly Eats I started adding my favorite easy recipes as well as travel related food outings like enjoying all the fired goodness of the Texas State Fair.

Dig in.
Dig in.

I also began interviewing “Average, average, Joes” on why they travel and what it means to them. This was a fun addition as it let share the amazing trips my friends and family have been on and how travel has changed their lives for the better. Why just take my word for it?

Don't just take my word for it.
Don’t just take my word for it.

Then of course there was some amazing trips. Here are a few of my favorites from 2013:

  • Golfing in Mexico
  • Visiting Texas for the 1st time
  • Running in my first Race in Long Beach Washington (it was motivated by food)
2013 fun.
2013 fun.

Of course there was trips based around baseball games, football games, music festivals, and food. It wouldn’t be This Life in Trips without any of those. Yup 2013 was a busy and hard working year. I am glad it is over and am excited to get back on the road for a very special and an even busier 2014.

2014 – The Year I Travel Around the World

2014 is gonna be a jammed one. Jammy McJamerson wouldn’t have it any other way. After many, MANY hours obsessing over routes and searching for the cheapest airfares I finally booked the last leg of my 2014 Around the World Trip. I still need to finalize sponsors, partnerships, and activities but flights are booked and I will be heading out this coming February for my most ambitious trip yet. From glaciers and tundra to desserts and tropical beaches, it’s gonna be one helluva trip!

Check this route out:

  • Vancouver to Reykjavik (via Seattle)
  • Reykjavik to Amsterdam
  • Amsterdam to Istanbul
  • Istanbul to Sochi
  • Sochi to Cappadocia
  • Cappadocia to Dubai (via Istanbul)
  • Dubai to Bangkok (via Mumbai)
  • Bum around Thailand for 3 weeks
  • Bangkok to Ho Chi Mihn
  • Ho Chi Mihn to Home (via Beijing)

I am beyond excited and February can not come soon enough. Then again, there is still much to do to get ready so I should be biting my tongue on that…

 What’s Next for This Life in Trips?

Beyond a trip around the world – which will keep me busy with plenty of sponsorship articles to write, reviews, and my perspectives things I encounter along the way? Lots.

  • Reviews – I started reviewing travel related products, activities, and accommodations. Plenty to come.
  • More interviews – I also started to reach out to other travel bloggers and will be sharing their stories soon.
  • More Worldly Eats – I have recipes for days and traveling around the world will just add to that. I will also be taking some cooking classes so look out for those stories.

I am also going to be adding fun things like my Travel Bucket List and What Travel Gear I am currently using as well as upping my online photo presence.

As for the site itself I have much to learn about SEO and will be tweaking away at that as well as cleaning up my Social Media presence. I am also looking at revamping my layout a bit for the better. So much to do, so little time.

Thanks to everyone who has shared in my travels over the years and a warm welcome to those that are just starting to come along now. Hope everyone has a fun travel  filled 2014 lined up and wishing you all the best.  Can’t wait to share my year with you and hear about yours!
